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Saturday, August 9, 2008

All caught up!

Whew...these last few weeks have consisted of a whole lot of posting! Today we leave for a four day camping trip, during which I obviously won't be posting. As the semester nears, the time I have for cooking different types of meals will most likely also diminish slightly.

This post is just a heads up for any (if there are any...) frequently readers that I will not be posting as frequently as I have been. However, I will try to post at least twice per week; if not a recipe, something related to nutrition. Who knows, maybe I will get back to the original purpose of the blog: to provide information about nutrition so you can improve your health and embrace life!

In the meantime, I would appreciate any comments anyone has about what they would like to see from this blog. Do you enjoy the recipes? Would you prefer more posts on nutrition? What about nutrition would you like to know?

The weather looks like it should be perfect these next couple of days; I challenge all of your reading this to go outside and be active for at least 45 minutes today. The sunshine on your skin will all vitamin D to form (, which is necessary for good bone integrity ( It has also been shown to possibly decrease depression and increase mood ( If that isn't enough, a little summer glow never fails to make people feel happier :)

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